The process of finding a job can be a daunting and tiring task. There can be many doors slammed in your face before you even get a chance to peak through to the other side. Staying motivated can seem nearly impossible.

However, in order to be successful in the search for a new job, keeping that positive attitude is key. A job search is like a marathon, not a sprint. You need to pace yourself, so that you don’t get burnt out before you even get passed that first mile.

Here are a three simple ways to help you get motivated and stay motivated:

1.   Celebrate Small Victories
A great way to keep that motivation is to celebrate small victories. Take those small celebrations and make them a big deal. What do I mean by celebrate? Take those small victories like securing an interview, and give yourself some recognition.

Even if you don’t get the job this time, you still made an impression enough to get the interview. So pat yourself on the back, treat yourself, the ‘right’ job will come down the line.

2.  Write Down Your Career Goals
It’s a question you’ve been asked countless times while interviewing, “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”. Now is the time to sit down and actually answer that question. Where do you want to be?

Take some time and make a list of dreams, no dream can be too big or too small. By putting your dreams on paper, you are able to visualize, forcing you to think about what you actually want to achieve. You will find goals within those dreams. Which will in turn, give you a to-do list for your career. This will help to motivate you and get you excited to check off those goals on your career to-do list.

3. Take a Break
Looking for a job is tiring. It can consume your life, which can negatively impact the job search as well. That is why I always tell people to take a day off. If you feel your attitude if being negatively affected, TAKE A BREAK!

Taking free days — where you get time off from the normal hustle and bustle of resumes, cover letters, and interview questions — can help alleviate the frustration that comes along with looking for a job.

Staying inspired while searching for a job can be difficult but not impossible. Taking time to stay positive, and be positive will make a difference.

For those looking for motivation, join us Friday July 24th, at 2 Pm EDT for a FREE webinar entitled ‘Stay Inspired During Your Job Search’. For more information or to join the webinar:

Register for the Training in our Career Portal by clicking on the WEBINAR Tab. Then clicking on the event and then register by clicking the webinar registration link for each event listed.